With the following commentaries I don’t intend to deny Greece’s transgressions of the past 40 years in any way. They happened and remain the major cause for today's condition. But contrary to the dominantly published opinion there is another…
Whenever the conversation turns to the UN Charter of Human Rights and it is discussed more closely, it seems that many people do not actually know it. One example is the right to asylum. The Charter does not oblige the…
It is no longer a secret: full employment as was possible during the days of the ‚economic miracle‘ is an illusion in our time. More and more people are affected by unemployment - in many cases despite good or excellent…
Imagine: a politician applying for the office of chancellor enters the election with the promise, that, should he be elected, he would admit 25,000 refugees from Syria as part of a resettlement program. And - he wins the election. This happened…