Congress “The Defenders of Europe” – Welcome Evening

Admittedly: On 28 October 2016 I drove to an event, which was organised by the right wing, for the first time. With the exception of election events (Haider, Hofer). The large meeting of the new right from many parts of Europe, in the middle of Linz. According to the media, the Nazis and right-wing extremists meet here in their pin stripes. Anyone who is politically clearly located on the other side feels somewhat uneasy. The calls of Antifa on their website are also a cause for concern. What if you get caught in the crossfire, although you do not care for the ideology of the congress and only want to form an opinion?
My answer to this is yes and therefore, I can inform you of what I saw and experienced as a participant there.
Arrival at the main train station in Linz. Check-in at the hotel. The taxi driver said that the city centre of Linz is already being monitored today. Afterwards a visit to tomorrow’s venue. Barriers are already visible. Fifty metres from the Redoutensäle there is a large police station. The location was not chosen randomly. An area which can be easily cordoned off. The entrance to the halls is already guarded by a police officer. After a Greek dinner, where Roberto Blanco and his friends are sitting at the table next to me, I make my way to the welcome event of the congress.
Hagenstraße 20. The fraternity, Arminia Czernowitz, recently moved into a two-storey villa in one of the better areas. No demonstrators or observers from the left wing can be seen. At the entrance, we are greeted by a friendly security guard. I show my entrance ticket. As soon as entering, the first signs: women’s quarters – downstairs, men’s quarters – upstairs. Everything has to have its order, also and particularly while sleeping.
On the first floor the social gathering takes place: 50 to 60 quests, about half of them over the age of 50, of good family, eating sausages and drinking beer and wine, while they network and also just chat. The waiting personnel are wearing expensive ‘Dirndl’ and ‘Lederhosen’. With a glass of spritzer I mix with the other people.
A short speech by the organiser livens things up: tomorrow 600 guests are expected. The event has been sold out for three weeks. The danger of Umvolkung, the ‘great replacement’, has finally been identified by society. The supporters of the left wing of this planned exchange between the nations will gather in the streets tomorrow – including the media (known as the “lie press“), which have, greatly encouraged by those present, not received any accreditation. Because they are in the streets with the demonstrators, where they belong (possibly self-discreditation through defamation of the congress as a meeting of right-wing extremists). And they can get used to the warming sun with the politicians, because the latter, if the guests have anything to do with it, will soon be kicked out of parliament.
Only Servus TV has access to – admittedly pre-selected – pictures and therefore has a limited filming permit (Servus TV would deny this medial cooperation on the following day). The organisational instructions for tomorrow’s congress above all concern the ban on filming and recording: after a single warning, removal from the hall will follow. The participants should also keep their eyes and ears open for left-wing provocateurs or other troublemakers. At the end the organiser and the participants are praised highly, because finally it seems as if the trench warfare of right-winged groups is over, so that it is possible to act together instead of only talking.
Talking to those present it appears that there is a great admiration for Vladimir Putin and Russia. Some have already thought about migrating eastward, as Russia is currently the only alternative to the western/multi-cultural system. The defensibility of women is demanded, as is an increase in the defensibility of people in general with the aid of weapons, which is considered positively. The manner in which Hungary and Serbia deal with Muslims is positively highlighted. Among some the hope that the Danube Monarchy returns after the – hopefully soon- end of the EU is discernible.
The dominant politics, including Chancellor Kern, are on the way out, but they will not leave without a revolution. Donald Trump is seen as critically as Hillary Clinton – the latter has a greater potential for danger because of her anti-Russian stance. It is sometimes very difficult to suppress emerging physical excitement. But I am not here to judge, rather to listen.
A few familiar faces could already be spotted on this evening: the Syrian blogger, Maram Susli – obviously flown in from Australia- was also present, as was a former FPÖ member of parliament, the Serb, Misa Djurkovic, and the German economic expert, Thomas Bachheimer.
Translation into English: Donna Stockenhuber
Cover-Picture: Christian Janisch CC BY-SA 4.0
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Begrüßung-Header | Christian Janisch | CC BY-SA 4.0 |