Friday, May 20th 2016, 5pm, atViktor Adler market in the 10th district of Vienna. It's the final rally of presidential candidate Norbert Hofer. Interesting choice of location: relatively small for such an event, only two corners away from the localities of…
The Panama Papers: 11.5 million documents that shed light on a parallel society almost forgotten about, in times of the refugee crisis. Looking at 214000 shell companies and thousands of names, including many celebrities from sports, business and politics, one…
Discussion evening of „Väter ohne Rechte“ (fathers without rights) in Vienna Men and gender politics - that clicks! The Munich-based gender researcher John Meiners puts research results up for discussion. The relations betwen the sexes have changed a lot in Western…
Today I was assigned a night shift - from midnight to 08:00 am - together with a doctor from England whos country of origin is Pakistan. [caption id="attachment_846" align="alignnone" width="805"] Night Shift Team[/caption] When we arrived at the hospital, we were…
[caption id="attachment_851" align="alignnone" width="805"] Bicycle and straw hat in Hanoi[/caption] Hanoi has plenty to offer - nice pools, great temples and pagodas, and above all lively streets and alleys. [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="smr-thumb" ids="850,849"] But what really makes up Hanoi…
In an open letter, 72 civil society organizations from 31 countries, including the AKVorrat, are addressing the European telecom regulators today, calling for strong protection of the principle of net neutrality in the ongoing negotiations on the implementation of the…
In the introduction Claus Reitan (freelance journalist) refers to the annual statistics of ‘Reporter ohne Grenzen’ (Reporters Without Borders), published on World Press Freedom Day: 57 journalists were killed worldwide, more than 500 arrested, 51 abducted. A key change in…
During one of the many nights I spent on the beach, looking out for boats, I made the acquaintance of Manuela Felderl (journalist) and Matthew Weißenbacher (camera operator). As we all sat around the campfire, we got into a conversation.…
Islam is a religion founded first of all on the Qur'an (referred to as Koran hereafter). It is the Holy Scripture which was dictated to the Prophet directly by God, according the Islamic faith. And in this document, there are…
I could hardly sleep from excitement because my first day as a doctor in the clinic of "Better days for Moria" was just around the corner. All I knew was, that I was going to work in the unofficial camp…
Yesterday, I attended the exhibition "As Rights Go By - On the Erosion and Denial of Rights”. It featured (video) installations, books, quotes and board games. Initially the great wall comic "The Magnificent 7" attracted my full attention: [gallery columns="5"…
Austria has elected, and this time voters’ level of education in connection to their sex has suddenly become an issue. For in this election people with Matura (equivalent to A-levels) predominantly voted for Van der Bellen, while those without largely…