CO2, erneuerbare Energien und die globale Agenda – das sagen Energie- und Klimaforschungsexperten


Wenn Wissenschafter aus den USA, Italien, Ungarn, Chile, Deutschland und Österreich zusammenkommen und sich über eine Seite der Klima- und Energiedebatte austauschen, die nicht so oft gehört wird, dann ist das ein Grund, sich die Experten und ihre Forschung genauer anzuschauen. Am Rande der 16. EIKE Energie- und Klimakonferenz in Maria Enzersdorf war für Idealism Prevails genug Zeit, alternativen Meinungen zu den weit verbreiteten Klima-Narrativen auf den Grund zu gehen. Entstanden sind daraus zehn Interviews, auf Deutsch und Englisch – unter anderem mit einem Physik-Nobelpreisträger, Princeton-Professor, Kernenergetiker und Geophysiker.

What is the other side of the climate and energy debate that is usually not heard and discussed often? When scientists from the US, Italy, Hungary, Chile, Germany and Austria come together and discuss exactly this, it is a good reason to interview them about their research. Idealism Prevails had enough time to get down to the essence on the margins of the 16th EIKE Conference on Energy and Climate in Wien-Mödling. Ten researchers and experts were interviewed, in German and English – among others a Nobel Prize-winner, a professor from Princeton, a specialist on nuclear energy and a geo-physicist.

Geo-physicist László Szarka served as the chairman of the Hungarian Academic Research Network and led a research center at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In collaboration with other scientists, he published a paper examining the changes in water levels of the Nile River over more than 1,300 years to gain insights into long-term climate changes. Szarka advocates for the use of this historical data to better understand recent changes, emphasizing that natural fluctuations should be considered in predictions and interpretations. He argues that the „Green Revolution“ causes more harm than our current way of living and that it relies on dogmas that we need to critically evaluate.

Dr. Martin J.F. Steiner ist Diplomingenieur für Elektrische Energietechnik mit langjähriger Erfahrung im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien und Energiekonzepte. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat er sich intensiv mit Umwelt- und Klimaforschung beschäftigt. Als Mitglied des Unabhängigen Wissenschaftlichen Beirats übt er Kritik am EU Green Deal und an der Energiewende, die er als „heiße Luft ohne Plan“ bezeichnet. Mit dem Independent Climate Research (ICR) hat er vier Experimente zu Klimakatastrophen überprüft und widerlegt, indem er den Anstieg von CO2 in der Luft modellierte. Seine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine weitere Erhöhung des CO2-Gehalts in der Atmosphäre kaum mehr einen Einfluss auf das Klima haben wird. Steiner hält die vollständige Umstellung auf Erneuerbare Energien für technisch nicht umsetzbar.

Craig Rucker is a public policy analyst and the executive director of the NGO Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow. Through his work, he aims to illustrate that the so-called „green agenda“ can be misleading, with many environmental issues overlooked in the conversation. He argues that green solutions, such as windmills, solar farms, and electric vehicles, can be detrimental to the planet. Rucker also highlights the double standard of green transition advocates and politicians who travel by private jets while denying the same privilege to others. He expresses concern over the emergence of lockdown-like climate restrictions in countries like France and the US. Rucker encourages people to speak out, educate themselves, and support small organizations presenting alternative viewpoints to challenge the prevailing climate agenda. Despite the challenges, he remains optimistic that more individuals will begin to question and seek a deeper understanding of these issues.

Dr. Bernhard Strehl ist Strahlenphysiker und selbstständiger Medizintechnik-Unternehmer, der sich seit drei Jahren intensiv mit Klimawissenschaft beschäftigt. Er kritisiert das Narrativ, dass menschlicher CO2-Ausstoß allein für den Temperaturanstieg verantwortlich ist und zu Katastrophen für Natur und Mensch führt. Laut Strehl haben die bisherigen IPCC-Modelle versagt, weshalb auch zukünftige Vorhersagen mit Vorsicht zu genießen sind. Vielmehr spielt Wasserdampf eine größere Rolle für die Temperaturveränderung in der Atmosphäre als Methan. Er sieht die grüne Energiewende nicht nur als kostspielig, sondern auch als irreführend im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz. Strehl behauptet, dass die Natur mehr CO2 freisetzt als der Mensch und warnt, dass die Klimaagenda unseren Wohlstand gefährde und Europa wirtschaftliche Nachteile verschaffe.

Dr. John F. Clauser, a Nobel Prize-winning (2022) experimental and theoretical physicist, argues that the IPCC promotes a major hoax regarding climate change. He asserts that they misidentify a crucial natural feedback system involving clouds, which stabilizes climate and global temperatures. Clauser claims that extreme weather events are not occurring more frequently than in the past, and he criticizes climate prediction models for using flawed physics and manipulated data. He believes these models serve to validate government actions taken to prevent supposed catastrophes, benefiting large new industries while the broader economy suffers. Moreover, he contends that current agendas will not suffice to support a growing population depleting Earth’s resources and advocates for population control as a solution. Clauser calls for more honest policies, better media coverage, and reduced misinformation.

Dr. Douglas Pollock is an industrial civil engineer at the University of Chile. He has explored the starkly contrasting perspectives in the climate debate and was taken aback by the polarization of opinions. So he researched the impact on the economy either way. His research focused on the economic implications of global climate policies, revealing significant costs associated with transitioning to renewable energy. According to Pollock, rising energy prices and economic disruptions are inevitable, as industries may lose competitiveness and relocate due to strict regulations. He asserts that the green transition is primarily a political decision lacking scientific foundation. Pollock aims to raise public awareness about the costs of renewables by making government data more accessible. He argues that renewables have clear limitations and may not be as beneficial as promised.

Marc Morano, founder of, believes the climate agenda mirrors legislative behavior seen during COVID-19, wherein decisions can be imposed without the need for voting, legislative action or lobbying. He argues that climate change is framed as a public health threat to limit personal freedoms by relying on „expert“ recommendations. Morano highlights food, travel, and energy restrictions as potential tools for control. He urges individuals to defend free speech for alternative viewpoints and to resist coercive legislation from the outset. Additionally, he expresses concern over technological tyranny, urging Europeans to stand against it.

Manfred Haferburg ist ein deutscher Kernenergetiker, der das Potenzial der Kernenergie für eine langfristig stabile Energieversorgung sieht. Er argumentiert, dass dies das Wohlergehen der Bevölkerung erheblich steigern würde. Die Bedenken hinsichtlich der dauerhaften Lagerung radioaktiver Materialien seien überholt, da diese wieder in Strom umgewandelt werden können und der Abfall nur noch 300 Jahre strahlt. Eine vollständige Deckung des Energiebedarfs durch erneuerbare Energien hält er für praktisch unmöglich. Energie ist eine Lebensgrundlage, die unseren Fortschritt ermöglicht, weshalb eine zuverlässige Energieversorgung unerlässlich ist. Die Energiewende gehe dabei auf Kosten aller.

James Taylor, president of the Heartland Institute, fights against climate alarmism, which he argues is being used to impose socialism globally. He sees ongoing globalization, led by organizations like the WHO, WEO, and UN, as a major threat to freedom, as they can force nation-states to adopt certain agendas. Taylor criticizes environmental groups for prioritizing CO2 emissions over actual environmental concerns. He points out that significant progress has been made in improving water quality and reducing air pollution, while regenerative energy sources are harming the environment. While Europe appears more receptive to the climate narrative than the U.S., he remains hopeful that people will eventually recognize the negative impact of renewable energy on their wealth.

Prof. William Happer, an emeritus physics professor at Princeton and expert in atomic and atmospheric physics, contributed to high-power laser technology to defend against missile attacks during the Cold War. In 1982, he invented sodium laser guide stars and later joined the Department of Energy under President Clinton in 1990, where he observed the politicization of climate issues. After being dismissed by Al Gore in 1993, he co-founded the CO2 Coalition, advocating that further increases in greenhouse gas levels are not critical due to high saturation. Happer criticizes the funding of ideologically driven climate science over unbiased research, arguing that it’s easier for politicians to combat a gas than a true enemy and that technological changes might reduce overall wealth and freedom. He also served on the National Security Council under President Donald Trump until 2019.


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