So men without graduation elect FPÖ (and AFD)? Surprised, anyone?


Austria has elected, and this time voters’ level of education in connection to their sex has suddenly become an issue. For in this election people with Matura (equivalent to A-levels) predominantly voted for Van der Bellen, while those without largely gave their votes to Norbert Hofer. Clear evidence for many media folks: “Stupid elects right-wing”.

At the same time, analysis also showed that women in particular voted for the Green candidate in a clear majority while the greater part of men went for Blue. Regarded together, these facts give a more nuanced picture. Still one, of Green women with Matura leaning towards Van der Bellen and Blue men without Matura towards Hofer. However, what needs to be taken into consideration yet, is the number of votes and the graduations in secondary schools per gender as well as the rampant promotion of girls despite the deficits in boys’ grades. The result is a majority of men disadvantaged in educational attainment versus a minority of privileged women, so far sponsored by the women’s ministry.

Therefore, voting behavior is not surprising. The boys / young men are systematically pushed into the offside position where education is concerned, and are forced away from higher qualifications increasingly. Heinisch-Hosek raves about the best educated girls entitled to constitute the forefront of the workforce. If need be, with quotas and other regulations for the promotion of women, she says. For the boys’ deficits in education she merely takes the view that they are just not as hard-working and talented as the girls. They themselves, or their fathers with their “patriarchal model” were to blame. It is therefore not surprising that more and more men, whose every chance has been blocked with “feminist” gender policy, will gyrate in ever greater extent towards those who promise remedial action.

None of those doing the analyzing in the media wonder how this glaring imbalance in education has come about, through which fewer and fewer men have Matura (general education) while increasingly more women do. Even though it is blatantly obvious. Instead, the answer is given by the electorate. So much so that there are no more questions left, if only one were looking.

And exactly the same is currently playing out in Germany with the AFD.


Voting behaviour chart according to age and sex:


Translation from German: Serena Nebo


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